Claredale Shopify Solutions

Need A Website Quickly, Cost Effective with
Minimal Work Required?

Claredale in conjunction with InfoBytesMedia would like to present the Claredale Shopify
. Our easy solution can help your business potentially sell thousands of products,
24 hours around the clock.


Once set up, your online shop will take advantage of Claredale's Dropshipping Service
allowing a"hands free" approach in selling any product sold by Claredale Distributors.
Utilizing Shopify's Ecommerce platform we can quickly set up a shop, have your
theme customised specifically for Claredale's Datafeed.

Sneak Peak At The Shopify System

All the features you want, none of the clutter.

Shopify handles all the hassles of online retail.

Total control over your site's design

Choose from over 100
templates or create a custom-
designed theme for your store.

State-of-the-art security

Shopify is Level 1 PCI compliant
and uses 128 bit SSL encryption
to ensure credit card data is secure.

Total control over your site's design

Choose from over 100
templates or create a custom-
designed theme for your store.

State-of-the-art security

Shopify is Level 1 PCI compliant
and uses 128 bit SSL encryption
to ensure credit card data is secure.

Beautiful, responsive mobile themes.

With more and more shopping being done on mobile
devices, it's important to have an online store that looks
just as great on a smart phone as it does on a computer

Shopify Theme Store

Shopify contains tonnes of responsive
web designs to ensure you can reach
your target audience on ALL devices.

Custom Built Theme

Want something unique, get
InfoBytesMedia to design your next
responsive e-commerce website.

Claredale's Drop Ship Service

Only Available With An Active Data Feed Subscription

Drop Shipping Benefits

Shopify Data Feed

Claredale Shopify Data Feed

Access over 14,000 products Claredale offers

Totally customize your download feed to have
only the products you want to sell

Customize pricing, run specials on Manufacturers,
Brands, Categories or Sub-Categories

Policies and Notifications Manager

Specially designed for Claredale's Drop Shipping

Maximize your sales with unlimited downloads


Like to get started?

Contact Shaun on 0408 858 885

Customized Feed

Customize your feed to download only the
products that you want to sell. Feature
manufacturers, brands, categories and sub-
categories of your choosing with the ability to
change them any time you want.

Shopify Extras

Get exclusive access to extra features including
policy updates and email notifications.

Paypal Friendly*

Our Shopify Data Feed does not contain any
magazines or dvd pornography. This means that
your products are able to be sold through

NOTE: This is not guarenteed, you will need to seek
approval from paypal and make sure you abide by their
strick guidelines. If you add any form or pronography to
your site, it is likely they will suspend your account.

Drop Shipping

This service is automatically subscribed to the
Claredale Drop Shipping service. With our
Shopify Data Feed, products that are supplied
by Claredale will distributed by Claredale,

NOTE: You are given unlimited updates for your feed so
it is up to you to keep your shops stock levels accurate. If
Claredale is out of stock on an item, you will be notified
and a refund may be requested, at your expense.

Custom Products

Add your own products to your feed. This
ensures you dont delete or overwrite your
shops inventory and ensures that it is included
in your customized menu system.

New Features

New features are being added every week, from
file outputs to product highlights and extras.
Plus get the added benefits of Shopify's new
features when they become available.